陈 意,男,1980年12月生,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所副研究员,博士。请奖项目:板块俯冲及其改造的岩石学过程。
1.Chen Y, Su B, Chu ZY. 2017. Modification of an ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle by continental subduction: Insight from the Maowu garnet peridotites in the Dabie UHP belt, eastern China. Lithos, 278-281: 54-71.
2.Chen Y, Ye K, Wu TF, Guo S. 2013. Exhumation of oceanic eclogites: thermodynamic constraints on pressure, temperature, bulk composition and density. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31: 549–570.
3.Chen Y, Ye K, Wu YW, Guo S, Su B, Liu JB. 2013. Hydration and dehydration in the lower margin of a cold mantle wedge: implications for crust–mantle interactions and petrogeneses of arc magmas. International Geology Review, 55: 1506-1522.
4.Chen Y, Ye K, Liu JB, Sun M. 2008. Quantitative P-T-X constraints on orthopyroxene-bearing high-pressure granulites in felsic-metapelitic rocks: evidence from the Huangtuling granulite, Dabieshan Orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26: 1-15.
5.Chen Y, Ye K, Liu JB, Sun M. 2006. Multistage metamorphism of the Huangtuling granulite, Northern Dabie Orogen, eastern China: implications for the tectonometamorphic evolution of subducted lower continental crust. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 24: 633-654.
1.Chen RX, Li HY, Zheng YF, et al. 2017. Crust-mantle interaction in a continental subduction channel: evidence from orogenic peridotites in North Qaidam, northern Tibet. Journal of Petrology, 58: 191-226.
2.Chen RX, Zheng YF, Gong B. 2011. Mineral hydrogen isotopes and water contents in ultrahigh-pressure metabasite and metagranite: Constraints on fluid flow during continental subduction-zone metamorphism. Chemical Geology. 281: 103-124.
3.Chen RX, Zheng YF, Xie LW. 2010. Metamorphic growth and recrystallization of zircon: distinction by simultaneous in-situ analyses of trace elements, U-Th-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes in zircon from eclogite-facies rocks in the Sulu orogen. Lithos, 114: 132-154.
4.Chen RX, Zheng YF, Gong B, et al. 2007. Oxygen isotope geochemistry of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from 200-4000 m core samples of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling. Chemical Geology, 242: 55-75.
5.Chen RX, Zheng YF, Gong B, et al. 2007. Origin of retrograde fluid in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks: constraints from mineral hydrogen isotope and water content changes in eclogite-gneiss transitions in the Sulu orogen. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71: 2299-2325.
1.Deng WF, Chen XF, Wei GJ, et al. 2017. Decoupling of coral skeletal δ13C and solar irradiance over the past millennium caused by the oceanic Suess effect. Paleoceanography, 32: 161-171.
2.Deng WF, Liu X, Chen XF, et al. 2017. A comparison of the climates of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Little Ice Age, and Current Warm Period reconstructed using coral records from the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121: 264-275.
3.Deng WF, Wei GJ, Yu KF, Zhao JX. 2014. Variations in the timing of the rainy season in the northern South China Sea during the middle to late Holocene. Paleoceanography, 29: 115-125.
4.Deng WF, Wei GJ, Xie LH, et al. 2013. Variations in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation since 1853 in a coral record from the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118: 2358-2366.
5.Deng WF, Liu Y, Wei GJ, et al. 2010. High-precision analysis of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in corals by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25: 84-87.
冯 东,男,1980年10月生,中国科学院南海海洋研究所研究员,博士。请奖项目:海底冷泉沉积地球化学研究。
1.Feng D, Peckmann J, Li N, et al. 2018. The stable isotope fingerprint of chemosymbiosis in the shell organic matrix of seep-dwelling bivalves. Chemical Geology, 479: 241-250.
2.Feng D, Peng Y, Bao H, et al. 2016. A carbonate-based proxy for sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Geology, 44: 999-1002.
3.Feng D, Birgel D, Peckmann J, et al. 2014. Time integrated variation of sources of fluids and seepage dynamics archived in authigenic carbonates from Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Seafloor Observatory. Chemical Geology, 385: 129-139.
4.Feng D, Roberts HH. 2011. Geochemical characteristics of the barite deposits at cold seeps from the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 309: 89-99.
5.Birgel D, Feng D, Roberts HH, Peckmann J. 2011. Changing redox conditions at cold seeps as revealed by authigenic carbonates from Alaminos Canyon, northern Gulf of Mexico. Chemical Geology, 285: 82-96.
1.Gao XY, Zheng YF, Chen YX, Tang HL, Li WC. 2015. Zircon geochemistry records the action of metamorphic fluid on the formation of ultrahigh-pressure jadeite quartzite in the Dabie orogen. Chemical Geology, 419: 158-175.
2.Gao XY, Zheng YF, Xia XP, Chen YX. 2014. U-Pb ages and trace elements of metamorphic rutile from ultrahigh-pressure quartzite in the Sulu orogen. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 143: 87-114.
3.Gao XY, Zheng YF, Chen YX. 2013. Trace element composition of continentally subducted slab-derived melt: insight from multiphase solid inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite in the Dabie orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31: 453-468.
4.Gao XY, Zheng YF, Chen YX. 2012. Dehydration melting of ultrahigh-pressure eclogite in the Dabie orogen: evidence from multiphase solid inclusions in garnet. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30: 193-212.
5.Gao XY, Zheng YF, Chen YX. 2011. U-Pb ages and trace elements in metamorphic zircon and titanite from UHP eclogite in the Dabie orogen: constraints on P-T-t path. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29: 721-740.
1.Huang RJ, Zhang YL, Bozzetti C, et al. 2014. High secondary aerosol contribution to particulate pollution during haze events in China. Nature, 514: 218-222.
2.Elser M, Huang RJ*, Wolf R, et al. 2016. New insights into PM2.5 chemical composition and sources in two major cities in China during extreme haze events using aerosol mass spectrometry. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16: 3207-3225,.
3.Ho KF, Huang RJ, Kawamura K, et al. 2015. Dicarboxylic acids, ketocarboxylic acids, α-dicarbonyls, fatty acids and benzoic acid in PM2.5 aerosol collected during CAREBeijing-2007: an effect of traffic restriction on air quality. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15: 3111-3123.
4.Huang R J, Li WB, Wang YR, et al. 2014. Determination of aliphatic amines in atmospheric aerosol particles: A comparison of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ion chromatography approaches. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7: 2027-2035.
5.Huang RJ, Seitz K, Neary T, O’Dowd CD, Platt U, Hoffmann T. 2010. Observations of high concentrations of I2 and IO in coastal air supporting iodine-oxide driven coastal new particle formation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37: L03803, doi:10.1029/2009GL041467.
李 平,男,1981年8月生,中国科学院地球化学研究所研究员,博士。请奖项目:我国典型汞污染地区汞的环境污染和环境健康风险。
1.Li P, Du B, Maurice L, Laffont L, et al. 2017. Mercury isotope signatures of methylmercury in rice samples from the Wanshan mercury mining area, China: environmental implications. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51: 12321-12328.
2.Li P, Feng X, Chan HM, Zhang X, Du B. 2015. Human body burden and dietary methylmercury intake: the relationship in a rice-consuming population. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49: 9682-9689.
3.Li P, Feng X, Qiu G, Shang L, Wang S. 2012. Mercury pollution in Wuchuan mercury mining area, Guizhou, southwestern China: the impacts from large scale and artisanal mercury mining. Environment International, 42: 59-66.
4.Li P, Feng X, Yuan X, Chan HM, et al. 2012. Rice consumption contributes to low level methylmercury exposure in southern China. Environment International, 49:18-23.
5.Li P, Feng X, Qiu G, et al. 2009. Mercury pollution in Asia: a review of the contaminated sites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168: 591-601.
1.Li L, Liu XJ, Li T, Li LF, Zhao L, Ji JF, Chen J, Li GJ. 2017. Uranium comminution age tested by the eolian deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 467: 64-71.
2.Li T, Liu F, Hemmo A Abels, You CF, Zhang ZK, Chen J, Ji JF, Li LF, Li L, Liu HC, Ren C, Xia RY, Zhao L, Zhang WF, Li GJ.2017. Continued obliquity pacing of East Asian summer precipitation after the mid-Pleistocene transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457: 181-190.
3.Li GJ, Hartmann Jens, Derry Louis A, et al. 2016. Temperature dependence of basalt weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443: 59-69.
4.Li GJ, West Josh. 2014. Evolution of Cenozoic seawater lithium isotopes: Coupling of global denudation regime and shifting seawater sinks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 401: 284-293.
5.Li GJ, Elderfield Henry. 2013. Evolution of carbon cycle over the past 100 million years. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103: 11-25.
1.Li SL, Calmels D, Han G, Gaillardet J, Liu CQ. 2008. Sulfuric acid as an agent of carbonate weathering constrained by d13CDIC: Examples from Southwest China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 170: 189-199.
2.Li SL, Liu CQ, Li J, et al. 2010. Assessment of the sources of nitrate in the Changjiang River, China using a nitrogen and oxygen isotopic approach. Environmental Science and Technology, 44: 1573-1578.
3.Li SL, Liu CQ, Li J, et al. 2010. Geochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon and carbonate weathering in a small typical karstic catchment of Southwest China: Isotopic and chemical constraints. Chemical Geology, 277: 301-309.
4.Yue FJ, Li SL, Liu CQ, et al. 2015. Sources and transport of nitrate constrained by the isotopic technique in a karst catchment: an example from Southwest China. Hydrol. Process., 29: 1883-1893.
5.Zhong J, Li SL, Tao Fx, et al. 2017. Sensitivity of chemical weathering and dissolved carbon dynamics to hydrological conditions in a typical karst river. Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/srep42944.
与请奖项目有关的主要学术成就与创新点:①解决尘埃静电迁移、太阳风注入和微陨石轰击过程模拟问题,建立了月球(行星)表面环境与资源利用研究平台,实现月面环境过程模拟和月壤特性分析的功能,填补国内实验条件空白,发展了月球与行星表面环境研究方向;②获取月面光照和水冰特性重要参数,揭示了月球南极永久阴影区中水冰的热行为特征以及中低纬度月球浅层基岩的埋藏特征;确定太阳风作用对矿物结构的损伤差异,提出微观结构指示太阳风暴露年龄的新思路;建立绝缘矿物功函数的测量方法,获取了月壤主要矿物的功函数,为载人空间应用发展战略和技术体系的制订及“空间环境模拟装置”大科学工程的实施提供参考;③突破亚微米级复杂形态颗粒破碎和纳米金属铁颗粒的溅射包裹技术,成功研制出平均粒径约400 nm具有纳米金属铁的CLDS-i高仿真模拟月尘;利用集宁玄武岩、磁铁矿和赤铁矿成功研制出JMSS/JMSD系列模拟火星样品,模拟样品被国内外科研院所广泛应用于工程测试和科学实验。
1.Gan H, Li XY, Wei Gf, Wang SJ. 2015. Work function measurements of olivine: Implication to photoemission charging properties in planetary environments. Advances in Space Research, 56(11): 2432-2438.
2.Zeng XJ, Li XY, Wang SJ, et al. 2015. JMSS-1: a new Martian soil simulant. Earth Planets and Space, 67: 1-10.
3.Li Y, Li XY, Wang SJ, et al. 2013. Crystal orientation results in different amorphization of olivine during solar wind implantation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118(10): 1974-1982.
4.Tang H, Wang SJ, Li XY. 2012. Simulation of nanophase iron production in lunar space weathering. Planetary and Space Science, 60: 322-327.
5.Li XY, Wang SJ, Zheng YC, et al. 2008. Estimation of solar illumination on the Moon: A theoretical model. Planetary and Space Science, 56(7): 947-950.
1.Liang XL, Wei GL, Xiong J,et al. 2017. Adsorption isotherm, mechanism, and geometry of Pb(II) on magnetites substituted with transition metals. Chemical Geology, 470: 132-140.
2.Liang XL, Qi FH, Liu P,et al. 2016. Performance of Ti-pillared montmorillonite supported Fe catalysts for toluene oxidation: The effect of Fe on catalytic activity. Applied Clay Science, 132: 96-104.
3.Liang XL, He ZS, Tan W, et al. 2015. The oxidation state and microstructural environment of transition metals (V, Co, and Ni) in magnetite: an XAFS study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 42(5): 373-383.
4.Liang XL, Li J, Joo JB,et al. 2012. Diffusion through the shells of yolk-shell and core-shell nanostructures in the liquid phase. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 51(32): 8034-8036.
5.Liang XL, Zhu SY, Zhong YH, et al. 2010. The remarkable effect of vanadium doping on the adsorption and catalytic activity of magnetite in the decolorization of methylene blue. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 97(1-2): 151-159.
与请奖项目有关的主要学术成就与创新点:①准确厘定华北克拉通中部造山带周缘前陆盆地的形成时代和物源区性质;②准确限定赞皇杂岩中甘陶河群为2.1 Ga弧后盆地沉积产物;③率先提出吕梁杂岩存在古元古代中期俯冲大洋板片熔融作用的新认识;④首次根据北缘中-新元古代地层物源信息对罗迪尼亚超大陆复原图提供了新的约束。
1.Liu CH, Zhao GC, Sun M, et al. 2011. U-Pb and Hf isotopic study of detrital zircons from the Yejishan Group of the Lüliang Complex: Constraints on the timing of collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks, North China Craton. Sedimentary Geology, 236: 129-140.
2.Liu CH, Zhao GC, Sun M, et al. 2012. Detrital zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry from the Songshan Group in the Dengfeng Complex: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 192-195: 1-15.
3.Liu CH, Zhao GC, Sun M, et al. 2012. U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemistry of detrital zircons from the Zhongtiao Complex: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 222-223: 159-172.
4.Liu CH, Zhao GC, Liu FL, et al. 2012. Zircons U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic and whole-rock geochemical constraints on the Gantaohe Group in the Zanhuang Complex: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Lithos, 146-147: 80-92.
5.Liu CH, Zhao GC, Liu FL, Shi JR. 2014. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the Lüliang Group in the Lüliang Complex: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Lithos, 198-199: 298-315.
与请奖项目有关的主要学术成就与创新点:①通过对伊朗东部Lut-Sistan地区新生代岩浆岩的年代学、岩石学与地球化学研究,提出加厚地壳拆沉与软流圈地幔上涌的模型解释岩石成因,揭示该地区构造演化史复杂;②提出伊朗地区超钾质岩源自岩石圈地幔,由经过交代换质作用,含有金云母、石榴子石和磷灰石的地幔岩石部分熔融而成,微量元素比值显示交代换质作用有碳酸盐沉积物的参与;③对伊朗Anar地区一套埃达克质火山岩,通过年代学与地球化学实验,证明岩石成因不符合板片熔融假说,增厚地壳熔融更能说明火山岩喷发与阿拉伯–欧亚大陆碰撞的时空关系;④利用锆石铀-铅年代学与氩-氩年代学,提出伊朗Makran弧岩浆活动起始年龄为19 Ma之新观点。
1.Pang KN, Chung SL, Zarrinkoub MH, et al. 2016. New age and geochemical constraints on the origin of Quaternary adakite-like lavas in the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. Lithos, 264: 348-359.
2.Pang KN, Chung SL, Zarrinkoub MH, et al. 2015. Quaternary high-Mg ultrapotassic rocks from the Qal’eh Hasan Ali maars, southeastern Iran: petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 170: 27.
3.Pang KN, Chung SL, Zarrinkoub MH, et al. 2014. On the magmatic record of the Makran arc, southeastern Iran: Insights from zircon U-Pb geochronology and bulk-rock geochemistry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15: 2151-2169.
4.Pang KN, Chung SL, Zarrinkoub MH, et al. 2013. Iranian ultrapotassic volcanism at ~11 Ma signifies the initiation of post-collisional magmatism in the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. Terra Nova, 25: 405-413.
5.Pang KN, Chung SL, Zarrinkoub MH, et al. 2012. Age, geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Late Cenozoic intraplate alkali basalts in the Lut-Sistan region, eastern Iran. Chemical Geology, 306-307: 40-53.
1.Tan JQ, Brian Horsfield, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, et al. 2013. Physical properties of petroleum formed during maturation of Lower Cambrian shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, as inferred from phase kinetics modelling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 48: 47-56.
2.Tan JQ, Weniger Philipp, Bernhard Krooss, et al. 2014. Shale gas potential of the major marine shale formations in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, Part II: methane sorption capcity. Fuel, 129: 204-218.
3.Tan JQ, Brian Horsfield, Reinhard Fink, et al. 2014. Shale gas potential of the major marine shale formations in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, Part III: lithofacial, petrophysical, and rock mechanical properties. Energy & Fuels, 28: 2322-2342.
4.Tan JQ, Brian Horsfield, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, et al. 2015. Natural gas potential of Neoproterozoic and Lower Paleozoic marine shales in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China: Geological and organic geochemical characterization. International Geology Review, 57: 305-326.
5.Qiao Lyu, Long XP, Ranjith PG, Tan JQ, et al. 2018. Experimental investigation on the mechanical behaviours of shale under water-based fluids. Engineering Geology, 233: 124-138.
王 伟,男,1984年7月生,中国地质大学(武汉)教授,博士。请奖项目:扬子陆块前寒武纪沉积盆地演化及超大陆重建。
1.Wang W, Zhou MF, Yan DP, et al. 2012. Depositional age, provenance, andtectonic setting of the Neoproterozoic Sibao Group, southeastern Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Research, 192-195: 107-124.
2.Wang W, Peter Cawood, Zhou MF, Zhao JH. 2016. Paleoproterozoic magmatic and metamorphic events link Yangtze to northwest Laurentia in the Nuna supercontinent.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,433: 269-279.
3.Wang W, Zhou MF. 2014. Provenance and tectonic setting of the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic Dongchuan Group in the southwestern Yangtze Block, South China: implication for the breakup of the supercontinent Columbia. Tectonophysics, 610: 110-127.
4.Wang W, Zhou MF. 2013. Petrological and geochemical constraints on provenance, paleoweathering and tectonic setting of the Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen, South China. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 83: 974-993
5.Wang W, Cawood PA, Zhou MF, et al. 2017. Low-δ18O rhyolites from the Malani Igneous Suite: a positive test for South China and NW India linkage in Rodinia. Geophysical Research Letters, 44: 10298-10305.
巫 翔,男,1978年9月生,中国地质大学(武汉)教授,博士。请奖项目:高压矿物物理。
1.Wu X, Lin JF, Kaercher P, et al.` 2017. Seismic anisotropy of the D” layer induced by (001) deformation of post-perovskite. Nature Communications, 8: 14669.
2.Wu X, Wu Y, Lin JF, et al. 2016. Two-stage spin transition of iron in FeAl-bearing phase D at lower mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121: 6411-6420.
3.Wu X, Mookherjee M, Gu TT, Qin S. 2011. Elasticity and anisotropy of iron-nickel phosphides at high pressures. Geophysical Research Letters, 38: L20301.
4.Wu X, Qin S, Gu TT, et al. 2011, Structural and elastic properties of CaGeO3 perovskite at high pressures. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 189: 151-156.
5.Wu X, Steinle-Neumann G, Narygina O, et al. 2009. High-pressure behavior of perovskite: FeTiO3 dissociation into (Fe1-δ,Tiδ)O and Fe1+δTi2-δO5. Physical Review Letters, 103: 065503.
1.Xia QX, Wang HZ, Zhou LG, et al. 2016. Growth of metamorphic and peritectic garnets in ultrahigh-pressure metagranite during continental subduction and exhumation in the Dabie orogen. Lithos, 266-267: 158-181.
2.Xia QX, Zheng YF, Lu XN, et al. 2012. Formation of metamorphic and metamorphosed garnets in the low-T/UHP metagranite during continental collision in the Dabie orogen. Lithos, 136-139: 73-92.
3.Xia QX, Zheng YF, Hu ZC. 2010. Trace elements in zircon and coexisting minerals from low-T/UHP metagranite in the Dabie orogen: Implications for action of supercritical fluid during continental subduction-zone metamorphism. Lithos, 114: 385-412.
4.Xia QX, Zheng YF, Yuan HL, Wu FY. 2009. Contrasting Lu-Hf and U-Th-Pb isotope systematics between metamorphic growth and recrystallization of zircon from eclogite-facies metagranites in the Dabie orogen, China. Lithos, 112: 477-496.
5.Xia QX, Zheng YF, Zhou LG. 2008. Dehydration and melting during continental collision: Constraints from element and isotope geochemistry of low-T/UHP granitic gneiss in the Dabie orogen. Chemical Geology, 247: 36-65.
1.Yuan SH, Liu XX, Liao WJ, et al. 2018. Mechanisms of electron transfer from structrual Fe(II) in reduced nontronite to oxygen for production of hydroxyl radicals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 223: 422?436.
2.Zhang P, Yuan SH. Production of hydroxyl radicals from abiotic oxidation of pyrite by oxygen under circumneutral conditions in the presence of low-molecular-weight organic acids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 218: 153-166.
3.Tong M, Yuan SH, Ma SC, et al. 2016. Production of abundant hydroxyl radicals from oxygenation of subsurface sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 50: 214-221.
4.Yuan SH, Liao P, Alshawabkeh AN. Electrolytic manipulation of persulfate reactivity by iron electrodes for trichloroethylene degradation in groundwater. Environmental Science & Technology, 48: 656-663.
5.Yuan SH, Chen MJ, Mao XH, Alshawabkeh AN. 2013. Effects of reduced sulfur compounds on Pd-catalytic hydrodechlorination of TCE in groundwater using cathodic H2 under electrochemically-induced oxidizing conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 47: 10502-10509.
与请奖项目有关的主要学术成就与创新点:①自主制备了一系列可用于对比研究、粒径/形貌均匀和表面结构可控的新型磁性纳米材料,率先开发了基于磁分离的环境水体痕量污染物快速分析新方法;②深入研究了Fe3O4 NPs等磁性纳米材料表面膜性质对PFCs、PAHs等典型污染物吸附作用机制,建立了表面活性剂类污染物在纳米材料表面自组装行为表征新方法,定量揭示了表面膜性质与污染物选择性作用机理;③综合对比研究了有机质、离子等水环境要素对Fe3O4 NPs环境行为复合影响作用机理,建立了河水、海水、湖水等自然水体中Fe3O4 NPs表面电势预测地球化学新模型,为纳米污染物环境行为与效应研究、风险评估和污染控制提供科学依据。
1.Zhao XL, Tang Z, Zhao TH. 2016. Magnetic nanoparticles interaction with humic acid: In the presence of surfactants. Environmental. Science & Technology, 50: 8640-8648.
2.Zhao XL, Hao W. 2015. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-coated Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles for analysis of 15 trace polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic environments by ultraperformance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Analytical Chemistry, 87: 7667-7675.
3.Zhao XL, Liu SL. 2015. Surfactant-modified flowerlike layered double hydroxide-coatedmagnetic nanoparticles for preconcentration of phthalate esters from environmental water samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1414: 22-30.
4.Zhao XL, Cai YQ, Wang T. 2008. Preparation of alkanethiolates functionalized core/shell Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles and its interaction with several typical target molecules. Analytical Chemistry, 80: 9091-9096.
5.Zhao XL, Shi YL, Cai YQ. 2008. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-coated magnetic nanoparticles for the preconcentration of phenolic compound from environmental water samples. Environmental Science & Technology, 42: 1201-1206.
1.Zhao XM, Zhang ZF, Huang SC, et al. 2017. Coupled extremely light Ca and Fe isotopes in peridotites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 208: 368-380.
2.Zhao XM, Cao HH, Mi X, et al. 2017. Combined iron and magnesium isotope geochemistry of pyroxenite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton: implications for mantle metasomatism. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol, 172: 40-65.
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