
文章来源:     发布时间:2012-09-10

超高压矿物研究进展……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………陈 鸣
新世纪亚洲风尘系统地球化学研究进展………………………………………………………………………………………………陈 骏
2001-2010年生物地球化学研究进展与展望…………………谢树成, 罗根明, 宋金明, 李 超, 黄咸雨, 杨 欢, 李一良, 黄俊华, 胡超涌
吉林延边五凤、五星山金矿床地球化学特征及其成因……………………贾大成,杜明龙,高 文,张 潇,姜 涛,唐 烁,何宽民
滇西马厂箐岩体暗色包体成因研究………………………………………………王 梁, 郭晓东, 贾丽琼, 王治华, 路英川, 张廷彦
华北地区大气降水稳定同位素特征与水汽来源………………………………………………………………邓文平 ,余新晓,贾国栋
胶东杜家崖金矿黄铁矿热电系数、热电阻率与金矿化关系研究……………………………………庞阿娟, 李胜荣,王 潇,刑金蕊
青海省兴海县赛什塘铜矿的斑岩型矿化特征及其找矿前景…………………………………………卫 岗,张普斌,李宏录,张尊侠
综 述
月球起源研究进展………………………………………………………………………………………许英奎,朱 丹,王世杰,刘 耘
简 报
便携式X荧光光谱(PXRF)测定法在农田土壤重金属分析中的应用………………………………王本伟,胡文友,黄 标,陈效民 
MAIN CONTENTS                                                     Advance of metamorphic petrology during the first decade of the 21st century………………WEI Chun-jing                                                 Research progress on ultrahigh-pressure minerals………………………………………………CHEN Ming
Progress of Aeolian sediments and dust geochemistry in Asia in the new century………………CHEN Jun
An overview on biogeochemistry during the decade of 2001 to 2010……………………………XIE Shu-cheng, LUO Gen-ming, SONG Jin-ming, LI Chao, HUANG Xian-yu, YANG Huan, LI Yi-liang, HUANG Jun-hua, HU Chao-yong
Genesis and geochemical characteristics of the Wufeng-Wuxingshan gold deposit in Yanbian, Jilin, China……………JIA Da-cheng, DU Ming-long, GAO Wen, ZHANG Xiao, JIANG Tao, TANG Shuo, HE Kuan-min
Genesis study on dark enclaves in the Machangqing complex, west Yunnan……………………………WANG Liang, GUO Xiao-dong, JIA Li-qiong,WANG Zhi-hua, LU Ying-chuan, ZHANG Ting-yan
Sources and stable isotope characteristics of precipitation in North China………………………………DENG Wen-ping, YU Xin-xiao, JIA Guo-dong
A study on correlations of thermoelectric coefficient, thermal resistance rate of pyrite and golden mineralization in the Dujiaya gold deposit, east Shandong Province…………………………PANG A-juan, LI Sheng-rong,WANG Xiao,XING Jin-rui
Eogene paleoclimate zone study in the Jiyang Depression…………………Wang Guan-min , Lin Guo-song
Recent advances of lunar formation theories………………XU Ying-kui, ZHU Dan, WANG Shi-jie, LIU Yun
Characteristics and prospective of the porphyry Cu mineralization in the Saishitang Cu deposit, Xinghai, Qinghai, China…………………………………………………………WEI Gang, ZHANG Pu-bin, LI Hong-lu