文章来源: 发布时间:2011-11-03
硬脂酸钠改性蒙脱石对水中亚甲基蓝的吸附性能研究…………陈代梅 陈 建 栾兴龙 姬海鹏 许 峰 廖立兵 123
…………………刘 雷 杜建国 付碧宏 谢 超 达 杰 智 美 周晓成 陈 志 时丕龙 崔月菊 李 静129
锑矿区水体水环境锑污染及硫同位素示踪研究…………………宁增平 肖唐付 杨 菲 贾彦龙 孙嘉龙 何立斌 135
贵州遵义黑色岩系多金属层中铂族元素的赋存状态………………………………………………韩 涛 朱笑青 陈南生 142
北京及其北部地区大气自然降尘矿物组成特征……………………………………………………唐 杨 韩贵琳 徐志方 150
玲珑金矿黄铁矿电阻率特征及含金性研……………………胡传胜 罗建宏 王 鹏 车林睿 张春执 殷 娜 156
渝东地区震旦系灯影组硅质岩地球化学特征……………………马文辛 刘树根 陈翠华 黄文明 张长俊 宋光永 160
鞍本地区早前寒武纪地质体铅同位素组成及铀源条件定量计算方法研究…………韩 军 李林强 李月湘 夏毓亮 172
相山矿田居隆庵矿床钍矿物特征研究…………………………………………………孟艳宁 范洪海 孙志富 陈璋如 180
综 述
泥火山的全球分布和研究进展……………………………………………………………………黄华谷 邸鹏飞 陈多福 189
湖泊沉积物纤维素氧同位素研究进展………………………………………朱正杰 任世聪 李 航 李妍均 陈敬安 198
岩体生长过程的传热学制约及其岩浆熔融效应……………………………………………………白俊豪 朱 丹 黄智龙 204
月球晚期重轰击和Nice模式…………………………………………………………………………陈 丰 李雄耀 王世杰 210
火成岩油气储层水岩相互作用:研究进展与发展方向……………………梁明亮 毛秀玲 郑国东 罗晓容 李 忠 215
MVT铅-锌矿床的地球化学研究方法及其成矿系统探讨………………………………周灵洁 张正伟 张中山 游富华 223
月球南极艾特肯盆地的地质特征:探索月球深部的窗口……………………张 健 缪秉魁 廖庆园 荆 元 王 辉 234
中国商代资源利用的几个地球化学迷案…………………………………………………………………………………朱炳泉 241
No.2Adsorption of methylene blue on sodium stearate modified montmorillonite
…………………………………CHEN Dai-mei , CHEN Jiang, LUAN Xin-long , JI Hai-peng, XU Feng LIAO Li-bing 123
Gas geochemical and tectonic characteristics of Gands village at Ms7.1 earthquake zone of Yushu
………LIU Lei,DU Jian-guo, FU Bi-hong, XIE Chao, DA Jie, ZHI Mei, ZHOU Xiao-cheng, CHEN Zhi, SHI Pi-long,
CUI Yue-jü, LI Jing 129
Antimony pollution and sulfur isotope study in the waters of an antimony mine area
………………………………NING Zeng-ping, XIAO Tang-fu, YANG Fei, JIA Yan-long, SUN Jia-long, HE Li-bin 135
Occurrence of PGE in the Polymetallic Layer of Black Shales, Zunyi, Guizhou, China
…………………………………………………………………………………HAN Tao, ZHU Xiao-qing, CHEN Nan-sheng 142
Mineral composition characteristics of natural atmospheric dust in Beijing and the northern areas to Beijing
………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Yang, HAN Gui-lin XU Zhi-fang 150
Characteristics research on resistivity of gold-bearing pyrite in the Linglong gold deposit
………………………………HU Chuan-sheng, LUO Jian-hong, WANG Peng, CHE Lin-rui, ZHANG Chun-zhi,YIN Na 156
Geochemical characteristics of siliceous rock in upper Sinian Denying formation in the eastern Chongqing, China
……………MA Wen-xin, LIU Shu-gen, CHEN Cui-hua, HUANG Wen-ming, ZHANG Chang-jun, SONG Guang-yong 160
Researches on quantitative calculation of uranium origin and the lead isotope composition of precambrian terrains
in Anshan-Bexin area………………………………………HAN Jun, LI Lin-qiang, LI Yue-xiang, XIA Yu-liang 172
Research on the characteristics of thorium minerals in Julongan deposit, Xiangshan ore field
……………………………………………………………MENG Yan-ning, FAN Hong-hai, SUN Zhi-fu, CHEN Zhang-ru 180
Global distribution and research progress of mud volcanoes
…………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Hua-gu, DI Peng-fei, CHEN Duo-fu 189
Research progress on the oxygen isotope composition of cellulose from lacustrine sediments
…………………………………………………ZHU Zheng-jie, REN Shi-cong, LI Hang, LI Yan-jun, CHEN Jing-an 198
Constrains of heat transfer in pluton growth and corresponding magma melting effects
……………………………………………………………………………………BAI Jun-hao, ZHU Dan, HUANG Zhi-long 204
Lunar late heavy bombardment and nice model…………………………HEN Feng, LI Xiong-yao, WANG Shi-jie 210
Research summary of water-rock interactions in igneous reservoirs
………………………………………LIANG Ming-liang, MAO Xiu-ling, ZHENG Guo-dong, LUO Xiao-rong, LI Zhong 215
Study on metallogenic systems and geochemistry methodology of MVT lead-zinc deposits
……………………………………………………ZHOU Ling-jie, ZHANG Zheng-wei, ZHANG Zhong-shan, YOU Fu-hua 223
The geological characteristics of the south pole-Aitken basin on the moon: the window to explore the deep
composition of the moon…………………ZHANG Jian, MIAO Bing-kui, LIAO Qing-yuan, JING Yuan, WANG Hui 234