壳体大小对浮游有孔虫生物地球化学记录的影响……………………………………………………………………徐 建 109
日本海末次冰期千年尺度古环境变化的地球化学记录…………………………………姚政权 刘焱光 王昆山 石学法 119
大连金石滩兴民村组臼齿碳酸盐岩及其沉积环境研究…………………………………彭 楠 旷红伟柳永清 李家华 127
南海南部120 ka以来元素地球化学记录的东亚夏季风变迁………梅 西 张训华 郑洪波 刘锐 谢昕 黄恩清 134
山东峡山湖滩砂的现代沉积特征研究…………………………………………邱隆伟 周军良 王新征 蔡宏兴 张振哲 142
内蒙古黄旗海全新世中晚期环境演变的沉积记录………………………………王 永 姚培毅迟振卿 关友义 赵志丽 149
黄河口及邻近海域表层沉积物中多环芳烃的分布特征及来源………胡宁静 石学法 刘季花 黄朋 朱爱美 刘焱光 157
三叠纪巨型季风在上扬子地区的沉积学记录………………………………………时志强 曾德勇 熊兆军 张华 赵安坤164
藏南白垩纪缺氧与富氧沉积的稀土元素地球化学特征……………………………………………张晓峰胡修棉王成善 173
岩石古放射性生热率的校正及其地球化学意义…………………………………………章邦桐 凌洪飞 陈培荣 吴俊奇 181
冀西石湖金矿黄铁矿和石英的晶胞参数特征及其地质意义……………曹 烨 李胜荣 张华锋 敖 翀 李真真 刘小滨 185
中甸普朗斑岩型铜矿床围岩蚀变初步研究……………胡清华 张世权 尹 静 黄定柱 伍健兢 孟 青 扬丽梅 罗光明 192
黔东南州那哥铜多金属矿床地质地球化学……………………………杨德智 周家喜 王劲松 丁 伟 刘永坤 陈远兴 202
花岗岩类中钾长石巨晶成因研究进展…………………………………………李小伟 莫宣学 赵志丹 朱弟成 黄丹峰 210
Effect of shell size on planktonic foraminiferal biogeochemical records
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIAN Xu………109
Millennial-scale paleoenvironment change during the last glacial period recorded by geochemical
variations in the Japan Sea
………………………………………YAO Zheng-quan, LIU Yan-guang, WANG Kun-shan, SHI Xue-fa………119
Lithologic characteristics and sedimentary environment of molar-tooth carbonates in the Xingmincun
formation, Golden Pebble Beach Region, Dalian
………………………………………………PENG Nan, KUANG Hong-wei, LIU Yong-qin, LI Jia-Hua………127
Element geochemistry record in southern South China Sea sediments during the past 120 ka and its
implications for East Asian summer monsoon variation
……………………MEI Xi, ZHANG Xun-hua, ZHENG Hong-bo, LIU Rui, XIE Xin, HUANG En-qing………134
A characteristics study of neoteric sediment in the beach of Xiashan Lake in Shandong Province
……………QIU Long-wei, ZHOU Jun-liang, WANG Xin-zheng, CAI Hong-xing, Zhang Zhen-zhe………142
Middle-late Holocene environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sediments from Huangqihai Lake,
Inner Mongolia
………………………………WANG Yong, YAO Pei-yi, CHI Zhen-qing, GUAN You-yi, ZHAO Zhi-li………149
Distribution and origin of PAHs in the surface sediments of the Yellow River estuary and it’s
adjacent areas
…………HU Ning-jing, SHI Xue-fa , LIU Ji-hua, HUANG Peng, ZHU Ai-mei, LIU Yan-guang………157
Sedimentary records of Triassic megamonsoon in Upper Yangtze area
………………………SHI Zhi-qiang, ZENG De-yong, XIONG Zhao-jun, ZHANG Hua, ZHAO An-kun………164
REEs characters of the Cretaceous anoxic and oxic sediments in southern Tibet
………………………………………………………ZHANG Xiao-feng, HU Xiu-mian, WANG Cheng-shan………173
Correction to the paleoradiogenic heat production rate of rocks and its geochemical significance
………………………………………ZHANG Bang-tong, LING Hon-fei, CHEN Pei-rong, WU Jun-qi………181
Characteristics of cell parameters of pyrite and quartz and their geological significance at Shihu
gold deposit in western Hebei, North China
…………CAO Ye , LI Sheng-rong, ZHANG Hua-feng, AO Chong , LI Zhen-zhen, LIU Xiao-bin………185
A study of wall-rock alteration in the Zhongdian Pulang porphyry copper deposit
………………………………………………………HU Qing-hua, ZHANG Shi-quan, YIN Jing, HUANG Ding-zhu,
WU Jian-jing, MENG Qing, YANG Li-mei, LUO Guang-ming……192
Geology and geochemistry of the Nage Cu-polymetallic sulfide ore deposit, southeast Guizhou Province, China
……YANG De-zhi, ZHOU Jia-xi, WANG Jing-song, DING Wei, LIU Yong-kun, CHEN Yuan-xing………202
The origin of K-feldspar megacryst in granitoids: A critical review
……………………LI Xiao-wei, MO Xuan-xue, ZHAO Zhi-dan, ZHU Di-cheng, HUANG Dan-feng………210