
文章来源:     发布时间:2010-10-22

辽东本溪、营口花岗岩年龄及锆石饱和温度和Ti温度的地质意义………………………………韩 军 夏毓亮 修群业 1
661铀矿床流体包裹体特征及成矿流体来源探讨……………………田建吉 胡瑞忠 苏文超 张国全 商朋强 齐有强 17
丰水期红枫湖流域氮污染特征的变化规律研究…………………………………………宋晓敏 季宏兵 江用彬 李祥玉 24
扩散法——EA-IRMS测定天然水体铵态氮同位素实验条件研究…………………………………………胡 婧 刘卫国 31
干旱戈壁区金属元素的垂向变化与分散——以新疆金窝子金矿为例……文雪琴 王学求 叶 荣 刘占元 程志中 迟清华 38
黔西南水银洞金矿床流体包裹体研究……………………………………陈本金 温春齐 霍 艳 曹盛远 宋发治 周玉 45
碳酸盐岩风化成土过程中的微生物作用……………………………………………………………………………连 宾 52
一株岩生真菌对白云岩中稀土元素溶出、迁移和富集影响的研究………………………………………窦传伟 连 宾 57
胶质芽孢杆菌胞外多糖在肥料矿物分解转化中的作用…………………………………………周雪莹 李 辉 连 宾  63
太阳系行星系统的形成和演化………………………………………………………………………陈 丰 李雄耀 王世杰 67
矿山-河流系统中重金属污染的地球化学研究……………………………………………………钱建平 江文莹 牛云飞 74
河流可溶性有机氮研究进展………………………………………………………………陈法锦 贾国东 陈建芳 张海生83
油气储层中水岩作用研究现状………………………………………………………………………叶聪林 郑国东 赵 军 89
        …………………………………………………………………蔡雄飞 魏启荣 王 岸 王浩霖 罗中杰 98
贵州黔西地区上二叠统宣威组中发现富镓矿化层………………………………………………张正伟 杨晓勇 温汉捷 107


Geological significance of age, zirconium saturation temperature and titanium temperature of granites
in eastern Liaoning Province………………………………………HAN Jun, XIA Yu-liang, Xiu Qun-ye ………1

Porosity and oil saturation correlation and diagenetic retardation of sandstone by hydrocarbon emplacement
 in the shallow-middle strata of the northern Songliao Basin
   ……………………………………………MENG Yuan-lin, PAN Xue-mei,WU He-yong, WANG Cheng,LI Ming-ming,
                        ZHANG An-da, XIU Hong-wen,WANGZheng-wei ………11

Characteristics of fluid inclusions and discussion on the origin of ore-forming fluid in the No. 661
Uranium Deposit, Zhejiang Province
   ……TIAN Jian-ji, HU Rui-zhong, SU Wen-chao, ZHANG Guo-quan, SHANG Peng-qiang, QI You-qiang………17

Study of nitrogen contamination variations during the high water period in the watershed of Hongfeng Lake,
 Guizhou Province…………………………SONG Xiao-min, JI Hong-bing, JIANG Yong-bin, LI Xiang-yu………24
Research on experimental conditions of using ammonia diffusion method to measure δ15N-NH4+ in natural waters
   ……………………………………………………………………………………………HU Jing, LIU Wei-guo………31
Vertical variation and dispersion of metal elements in the arid desert regolith–A case study at the
Jinwozi Gold Deposit, Xinjiang, China
   …………WEN Xue-qin, WANG Xue-qiu, YE Rong, LIU Zhan-yuan, CHENG Zhi-zhong, CHI Qing-hua………38
Study on fluid inclusion of the Shuiyindong Gold Deposit, SouthwesternGuizhou
   ……………………CHEN Ben-jin, WEN Chun-qi, HUO Yan, CAO Sheng-yuan, SONG Fa-zhi, ZHOU Yu ………45
Microbial roles in the genesis of soil from carbonate rock weathering………………………LIAN Bin………52
Role of rock-inhabiting Fungi in dissolution, migration and concentration of rare earth elements in dolomite
   ……………………………………………………………………………………………DOU Chuan-wei, LIAN Bin………57
Effect of exo-polysaccharides produced by bacillus mucilaginosus during the process of fertilizer
mineral degradation and transformation ………………………………………ZHOU Xue-ying LI Hui LIAN Bin………63
Formation and evolution of the solar planetary system………CHEN Feng, LI Xiong-yao, WANG Shi-jie………67
Geochemistry of Heavy metal pollution in the mine-river system
   ………………………………………………………………QIAN Jian-ping,JIANG wen-ying,NIU Yun-fei………74
Advances in studies of dissolved organic nitrogen in river
   …………………………………………CHEN Fa-jin, JIA Guo-dong, CHEN Jian-fang, ZHANG Hai-sheng………83
Research review of water-rock interactions in reservoir rocks
   ………………………………………………………………………YE Cong-lin, ZHENG Guo-dong, ZHAO Jun………89
Speciality and approach of continental palaeo-oceanographic studies- Take structure restoration of nachitai
 tectonic melange in the east kunlun as an example
   …………………………………CAI Xiong-fei, WEI Qi-rong, WANG-an, WANG Hao-lin, LUO Zhong-jie………98